Monday, November 3, 2008

today i watched/listened to the la jolla symphony orchestra

a lot of people that play in the symphony orchestra are volunteers.

there was this elderly lady. she was easily grandmother age. she amazed me. nobody would blame her if she wasn't all that active, but she was out there, rocking her violin to Smetana and Brahms. it was...i dont know. it was sort of beautiful, in a way.

i hope i'm like that when i grow old, if i grow old. i hope my future soulmate is like that.


stephanie yu said...

hey Lucas, :)

Did you just make this blog recently?

This image of this elderly is very beautiful :)


hope to read more from ya

joakcbasse said...

yeah, i made this blog about a month or so ago.

i have no idea if i'm going to be writing it in often though. i didnt even know people could find it.