25. Hold On Now, Youngster... - Los Campesinos! (2008)

Highlights: Sweet Dreams, Sweet Cheeks, You!Me!Dancing!
24. Fearless - Taylor Swift (2008)
Taylor Swift may have single-handedly re-established my faith in mainstream pop music. Her music embodies everything I want music to be. It's authentic, there's a real person expressing real emotions, real fears, real hopes behind it. It's catchy, she has the musical maturity of an artist who has been writing pop songs all her life. I may not be a teenage girl, so I can't perfectly relate with everything she expresses here, but when music is done this well, I can't help but sit back and admire. "Love Story" is a contender of song of the decade, in my eyes.
Highlights: Love Story, Fearless, Tell Me Why, Forever & Always